Contact Tech Support

If you are having a problem or receiving an error message on our web site, please fill out the form below and click the submit button to send us a message about the error. Please be as descriptive and detailed as possible with your message in describing the problem you are experiencing. Include the exact error message and the browser you are using if possible.

Contact Details

609 West 21st St, PO BOX 704, Yankton, SD 57078

Tel: (605) 665-4309

Fax: (605) 665-4314

Toll Free: (800) 491-4309

PLEASE READ: The Services Center Federal Credit Union strongly recommends to everyone not to send email containing personal information. The reason for the recommendation is for the protection of your personal identity. Emails can be intercepted during the transmission process to their intended recipient. Who ever does this "intercepting" may use the information, contained in the email, to gain your personal identity. Personal information may include, but is not limited to: social security number(s), account/subaccount number(s), PIN(s) or SCFCU MasterCard credit card or debit card number(s).

The Services Center Federal Credit Union does/will not take responsibility for any emails that are transmitted containing personal information. If someone wishes to send an email containing personal information to any SCFCU owned email account, the email is handled with the security and processing measures provided by the credit union. These security and processing measures shall take place once the email is received and not while in transit. We look forward to receiving emails from our members and future members and enjoy helping or answering questions whenever it is possible. We just feel that you should be aware of the issues of sending any email containing such information as stated above.

By sending an email to the Services Center Federal Credit Union YOU AGREE that you have read and understand the above statement.